Busy busy busy

Our fantastic team of volunteers have been busy all day putting up tents and getting the site ready to receive our Scouts and have a fun filled week. Great job team.

Agoonoree 2024 is about to begin!

Our advance party of volunteers are making their way to the camp site to set up ahead of our Scouts arriving tomorrow.

Thank you to all our supporters for getting us this far as we look forward to our week away. We’ve encountered some unexpected costs so if you would also like to support us we’d love to receive your donations here.

Well done Agoonoree

Well done to all our Scouts and volunteers who have undertaken a sponsored walk and ride today to raise much needed funds for camp 2024. This year the funds are especially needed as we have to purchase essential equipment such as an oven, boiler, tents and electrics as ours are no longer serviceable. Thank you to all those who have sponsored us so far and there’s still time to add your support here . A special mention to Edward for doing the most laps!

Thank you

Thank you to our Scouts, our volunteers, our supporters and all those behind the scenes who helped make Agoonoree 2023 such a success.

Only about 2/3 of the cost of running Agoonoree is met through camp fees, so if you would like to support us we welcome donations at https://www.gofundme.com/f/agoonoree-london or email admin@agoonoree.org if you can donate your time or goods to support us.