Support the Agoonoree Scout Camp through our 200 Club.
It’s still only £10 for the year and as well as supporting our camp for Scouts with additional needs you have a chance to win one of four prizes each month.
The 200 Club runs from October to July and there are 10 lucky draws. The first prize every month is £50.00; second prize is £30.00 and third and fourth prizes are £10.00. All the money left at the end of the year helps fund our very special camp and is spent directly on the Scouts.
We hope we can count on your generosity as we want to keep the camp fees as low as possible for our Scouts and volunteers whilst continuing to provide a high quality experience.

The easiest way to join and pay is using Paypal – just click the button below.
[wp_paypal button=”buynow” button_image=”” name=”Agoonoree 200 Club Membership” amount=”10.00″ currency=”GBP” undefined_quantity=”1″ no_shipping=”2″ return=”” cancel_return=””]
If you prefer, you can download our form and join by post. Please fill out the bottom of the letter and send your £10.00 cheque made out to The Agoonoree 200 Club.’ If you know anyone else that might like to join, we are always very grateful for new members.