Our young people take part in a full Scouting programme in a traditional outdoor setting.
Every year we have a camp fire, days out and work towards Scout badges. We have a varied programme including sport and craft activities, performing arts and visit local attractions.

We are grouped into patrols who work together to compete for trophies, take part in activities and share meals. Each patrol is responsible for their own sleeping and dining tents, keeping them tidy for the daily inspection.

If possible we sleep in tents, ensuring that everyone’s needs are met. We stay at different schools and Scout sites within the UK, providing our own equipment, whilst utilising any on site facilities. Find out more about life on camp.

Every year we look forward to reuniting with old friends, as well as making new ones. We always have a fun packed programme planned with all the usual highlights and merriment so thank you to everyone who enables Agoonoree to continue, it’s only with your support that we can keep providing the unique experience that we do.